A note from Liz Campanella, the organizer
Hey Everyone... The Full Moon is coming up!
Get your spinning gear ready, get your drums ready, get your dancing shoes on!
So lets gather, bring your friends, your family, your spinning gear and your musical instruments.
Gathering starts around sunset.
Arrive sometime around 8pm to watch the sunset
Jam ends as usual by 10:15pm
All fire spinners please read to the end of the email
Where is it:
Foster Ave and the Lake front.. NOT THE BEACH!
If you take Lake Shore drive to Foster Ave, go East (towards the Lake) on Foster Ave,
When the street curves around to the right, follow it.
The jam is 1/2 a mile down on the west side of the street.
a map of the location is:
Red Line to Argyle or Berwyn
Walk to Foster Ave: if at Argyle stop, go North, if at Berwyn stop go South to Foster
Then walk East on Foster till you hit the Lake Front and follow the path as it curves around to the right (South).
We are 1/2 a mile down on the west side
Please bring your smiles
Your FUN attitude
Your fire gear
Your saftey gear and safety person
Your drums
a blanket or something to sit on
and remember that this is a FAMILY EVENT
Month Day Day of the Week
Aug 17 Sun
Sept 15 Mon
Oct 14 Tues
You can watch a movie
at Spunn.org.