Dalai Lama writes President-elect Obama

I just received this posting from the Tibet Center in Evanston. It seems everyone is hopeful about our new president elect.

November 5 [HHDL to Obama]
H.E. Barack Obama
President-elect of the United States of America
Washington, DC

Dear President-elect Obama,

Congratulations on your election as the President of the United States of America.

I am encouraged that the American people have chosen a President who reflects America's diversity and her fundamental ideal that any person can rise up to the highest office in the land. This is a proud moment for America and one that will be celebrated by many peoples around the world.

The American Presidential elections are always a great source of encouragement to people throughout the world who believe in democracy, freedom and equality of opportunities.

May I also commend the determination and moral courage that you have demonstrated throughout the long campaign, as well as the kind heart and steady hand that you often showed when challenged. I recall our own telephone conversation this spring and these same essential qualities came through in your concern for the situation in Tibet.

As the President of the United States, you will certainly have great and difficult tasks before you, but also many opportunities to create change in the lives of those millions who continue to struggle for basic human needs. You must also remember and work for these people, wherever they may be.

With my prayers and good wishes,

Yours sincerely,


President-Elect Obama’s letter to H.H. the Dalai Lama dated July 24
H.H. the Dalai Lama’s letter to President-Elect Obama dated November 5

July 24, 2008 [Obama to HHDL]
Your Holiness,

I regret that our respective travel schedules will prevent us from meeting during your visit to the United States this month, but I wanted to take the opportunity to reassure you of my highest respect and support for you, your mission and your people at this critical time. I hope that this letter and your meeting with Senator McCain will make clear that American attention to and backing for the people of Tibet is widespread and transcends the divisions of our political contest in this important election year.

I was heartened to read of the continuing dialogue between your representatives and the government of the People's Republic of China. Although progress is likely to be slow, and the travails of the people of Tibet will continue, I am hopeful that the process of dialogue and negotiation will bring positive results if both sides demonstrate good intentions and mutual respect. I remain optimistic that this process will continue beyond the Beijing Olympics, and pledge that I will continue to support it. The right to practice their religious beliefs without punishment or obstruction is one that should be accorded the people of Tibet, and I will continue to encourage the Chinese government to put aside its suspicions and act in accordance with its own constitution.

I will continue to support you and the rights of Tibetans. People of all faiths can admire what you are doing and what you stand for, and I look forward to meeting you at another time.

With great respect,

Barack Obama

Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin at Chicago KTC Oct. 17

October 17-19, Khenpo Ugyen Tenzin

Friday, October 17
Public talk: Anger, Compassion, and Karmic Causality
The practice of compassion is a strong antidote for anger. Khenpo Ugyen will give practical on and off the cushion meditation techniques such as tonglen for the practice of compassion in any situation.

Saturday and Sunday, October 18-19
Teaching on Buddha's Miracles

Contact center for details.


Kirtan at Yoga Now Oct. 11!

Kirtan with Amy and the Ananda Bliss Tribe with Amy Beth Treciokas

Yoga Now Gold Coast
742 N. LaSalle in Chicago
Saturday 10/11/2008
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Suggested Donation: $10
312. 280. 8642

Kirtan with Amy and the Ananda Bliss Tribe. Come hear YogaNow founder and director Amy Beth Treciokas with Rich Logan, Rubee BlackRiver, Paula Battaglio and Josh Sheldon in a sound healing event of call-and-response chanting.

The word Kirtan comes form the Sanskrit root "kirt" which means "to name, to communicate, to celebrate, to praise, to glorify." Kirtan is the calling out to God deep within our soul.

All divine potencies, powers and divine qualities are hidden in God's name. The deepest secret of Kirtan is that the 'Name Of God' IS God. For the Bhakta Yogi (one who follows the path of devotion), God and the Name of God are one and the same. Chanting the name of God sows the seeds of spiritual transformation deep within our consciousness, and begins to grow and blossom."
-Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati

Details on Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche

Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche
at Chicago KTC
2100 S. Central in Cicero
www.chicagoktc. org
Sept. 12-14, 2008
Celebrating 30 years of Chicago KTCs existence!

For added info contact:
Phone: (708) 652-9722
Email: office@chicagoktc.org

Learn more about Rinpoche

Rinpoche's schedule
7:00pm Meditation
7:30pm Public Talk on Compassion
Sugg. Donation $10

3:00 pm Meditation
3:30 pm Teaching on Chenrezig
7:00 pm Meditation
7:30 Refuge and Chenrezig Empowerment ceremony
Sugg. Donation $35
(please be on time, doors will close promptly at 7:30)

2:00 pm Meditation
2:30 pm Teaching on Chenrezig
Sugg. Donation $20

All our programs are free due to the generosity of the members of KTC. Donations to Chicago KTC go toward defraying some of the costs of bringing the teachings of highly qualified lineage master to Chicago. However, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Jai Uttal on Bhakti

jai Uttal is a grammy award winning musician and wallah. He explains kirtan very nicely in this video. Check out Jai's inspirational website.

Ven. Bardor Tulku Rinpoche at KTC in September

It looks like Ven. Bardor Rinpoche will be teaching at Chicago KTC Sep. 12-14.

7:00 pm Shinay
7:30 Public Talk on Compassion

3pm Shinay
3:30 Chenrezig transmission, explanation and Empowerment

3:00 pm Shinay
3:30 Chenrezig contin.

Sunday evening there is a members' potluck dinner celebration commemorating 30 years of Chicago KTC.

Chenrezig at Chicago KTC

Weekly Events at KTC
visit www.chicagoktc.org.

Summary of Meditation Schedule:
9:30 AM Green Tara (short version)
10:00 AM Shinay (sitting meditation)
11:00 AM Chenrezig (chanting liturgy)

7:00 PM Shinay (sitting meditation)
7:30 PM Dharma readings and discussion
Shinay Meditation

Time: Sunday at 10:00 AM and Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Shinay means “calming” in Tibetan. Shinay meditation is the process of calming the mind to allow deeper awareness to come forward. This meditation involves holding the correct physical posture while focusing the mind on the sensation of breathing. Variations of this meditation are done in almost every other Buddhist tradition.

Instruction in Shinay is available before or during any Shinay meditation session.

A talk given by Venerable Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche entitled “Meditation and Mental Well-Being” provides an excellent overview of the need for and purpose of Shinay meditation. There are also many good books on the subject.

Chenrezig: Boddhisattva of Compassion

Chenrezig (Tibetan) or Avalokiteshvara (Sanskrit):
Boddhisattva of Compassion

Chenrezig Meditation
Time: Sunday at 11:00 AM
Chenrezig is the representation of compassion. Through Chenrezig meditation one develops a deeper compassion for the suffering of others and purifies one’s tendency for selfish motivation. The meditation itself involves chanting a liturgy while mentally performing a series of visualizations and finishing with mantras and an insight visualization. This liturgy also contains brief meditations of Amitabha and Guru Padmasambhava.

Instruction and guidance is available upon request. There are bimonthly guided Chenrezig sessions which walk practitioners through each step of the visualization.
The female Boddhisattva Green Tara

Green Tara
Green Tara Meditation
Time: Sunday at 9:30 AM

Description: Green Tara is the female representation of compassionate activity and fearlessness. This meditation is similar to Chenrezig meditation both in purpose and content.

There are as yet no scheduled Green Tara teaching sessions. There are a number of fine texts available on the subject however. A teaching about Green Tara will also be available on-line in streaming video format (coming soon).

Dharma Reading and Discussion
Time: Wednesday at 7:30 PM (Shinay starts at 7:00 PM)
The Dharma reading and discussion at KTC focuses on the study of sutras (in English), commentaries and texts by current Kagyu masters followed by discussion of practical aspects of Buddhist practice for Americans. Food and beverages provided. The sessions offer a very congenial, informal environment to study and discuss the Dharma. All questions and comments are welcome. All discussions are self-contained and require no previous instruction.

Please note: followers of other buddhist traditions (or even other religious faiths) are welcome to come to Chicago KTC to practice meditation or discuss Dharma. There is no need to be a 'Buddhist' or 'Karma Kagyu Buddhist' to join us in practice.

May precious Bodhicitta arise within those where it has not arisen.
Where it has arisen, may it not decline, but ever grow and flourish.

New Moon at East Meets West

New Moon Ceremony by Deanne Lozano
Healing Sound Concert by Mary Huddleston
Saturday, August 2, 2008
East Meets West
2118 W. Lawrence Avenue

Enjoy a New Moon Ceremony and Sacred Sound Concert with Himalayan Singing Bowls, Himalayan instruments of Sound and Sanskrit Chants. The intention of this concert is for the health and happiness of all beings! Delicious food! Silent Auction

Requested donation $20
All proceeds go to support Deanne Lozano

Durga Das on Aug. 2 - 3 at Yoga Now

Join David for a bliss-filled, inspirational experience of sacred yoga teachings and practices, For ages yogis have known that Love is the master key to happiness, and therefore created a practice, called Bhakti Yoga, which is centered around the manifestation of that Love. B

Kirtan with Durge Das (David Newman)
Date: Saturday 8/2/08
Time: 8:00-10:00pm
Cost: $15 prepay / $20 at the door

Bhakti Yoga workshop
Location: Gold Coast
Date: Sunday 8/3/08
Time: 12:30-2:30pm
Cost: $30 in advance, $35 at the door

To learn more visit Yoga Now or David's website.

How to get to Krishna Das at NU's Millar Chapel

Kirtan with Krishna Das
Alice S. Millar Chapel is a 600-seat early music venue located at Sheridan Road and Chicago Ave., at the main South entrance to the Northwestern University campus in Evanston.

Millar Chapel
1870 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL.
Sunday, July 27, 7 PM,
$25 advance / $30 door

There is abundant parking at $1 per hour one block away at Church St. Self Park. Enter from Church or Clark east of Chicago Ave.

Getting there:
the North line Metra to Davis street.
The purple line to Foster.

Heart of Devotion workshop with Krishna Das
Yoga Now Gold Coast
742 N. LaSalle, Suite 20
Chicago, IL
(312) 280-9642
$45 advance/ $50 door

Getting there:
the brown line to Chicago Avenue
the red line to Chicago Ave.

WEB info:
Email info@yoganowchicago.com
Web www.yoganowchicago.com

Krishna Das on the power of chant

“These names. the very fact that they don’t really mean anything specific in the conceptual mind level is actually where the power of the chant comes from.

“These chants comes from a place in your own being that is your true nature. It’s a place that is deeper than your thinking mind.

“Chanting is a mystical yogic practice. And the mystical part of it is that we are chanting these names.

“What Ram Dass and I do more than anything is - what we share with people is our faith.

“There is that place within us that can survive, grow and flourish no matter what comes at us. This is what chanting is about.

“When we chant together, we get a couple of hours of feeling some other quality, some other possibility that you can do anything that you want to do. This is devotional. There are no rules.

“We are tricking ourselves to fall in love with ourselves by thinking that we are loving something outside of ourselves. That’s because psychologically we do not know how to be good to ourselves. We do not know how to love ourselves, it looks like it is outside our selves. But it only looks that way.

These are sound syllables that will help the mind calm down and pull you out of any anxieties or worries or business in your day and in your daily life.

It helps you understand that the script is not written. That the ending is not necessarily a sad ending. That the happiness is within us.

Volunteers needed to collect stones for world peace

The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa is requesting a collection of small stones be gathered from each and every country of the seven continents. The stone collections will be used in the construction of a stone altar.

The Karmapa says that construction of this alter will bestow blessings and merits to the people of all nations in a literal manner during the upcoming Kagyu Monlam Chenmo near end of the year.

The Stone Altar Project Committee is in urgent need of assistance. They are looking for volunteers who would be willing to offer time to help to actively reach out to countries that have not been recruited to participate in the Stone Altar Project.

What would be involved?

They are asking that local KTCs and affilates assist by selecting a country from the yet unlisted countries of the world and adopt it for the Project (the list of countries that have already been adopted can be found

Once a country is selected, volunteers would find a contact in that country to assist in finding the stones.

Buddhists or Buddhist institutions would be your first choice, but if they are absent from your adopted country, you may have to find another way to acquire stones. For example, you might try contacting universities or geological departments in the US that are doing rock-related research in Asian or African countries, and see if they would be willing to help.

You may be asked to cover or raise funds to cover the cost of shipping the stones. Since the collection of stones from each country should be small, the shipping cost should be reasonable. And since bringing this project to successful completion would fulfill the wish of His Holiness, the Karmapa, you are humbly requested to offer help.

You can learn more about the project at the link above.

full moon fire spin tonight!

A note from Liz Campanella, the organizer

Hey Everyone... The Full Moon is coming up!
Get your spinning gear ready, get your drums ready, get your dancing shoes on!

So lets gather, bring your friends, your family, your spinning gear and your musical instruments.

Gathering starts around sunset.

Arrive sometime around 8pm to watch the sunset
Jam ends as usual by 10:15pm

All fire spinners please read to the end of the email

Where is it:
Foster Ave and the Lake front.. NOT THE BEACH!
If you take Lake Shore drive to Foster Ave, go East (towards the Lake) on Foster Ave,
When the street curves around to the right, follow it.
The jam is 1/2 a mile down on the west side of the street.

a map of the location is:

Red Line to Argyle or Berwyn
Walk to Foster Ave: if at Argyle stop, go North, if at Berwyn stop go South to Foster
Then walk East on Foster till you hit the Lake Front and follow the path as it curves around to the right (South).
We are 1/2 a mile down on the west side

Please bring your smiles
Your FUN attitude
Your fire gear
Your saftey gear and safety person
Your drums
a blanket or something to sit on

and remember that this is a FAMILY EVENT

Month Day Day of the Week
Aug 17 Sun
Sept 15 Mon
Oct 14 Tues

You can watch a movie
at Spunn.org.

Lama Kathy Wesley at Chicago KTC

Mark your calendar! Lama Kathy Wesley in Chicago

Friday evening, October 10: "Imagining Enlightenment: The Practice of Visualization and Mantra."

Saturday and Sunday, October 11-12: Workshop on Chenrezig Sadhana

From Marina at KTC: Please join Chicago KTC for Chenrezig sadhana and or workshop Wed. July 23 and August 13. In addition to doing the Chenrezig sadhana practice every Sunday, we take one Wed. a month to study and practice Chenrezig with a DVD by Lama Kathy Wesley of Columbus KTC(Ohio). This is a very helpful, detailed guided practice. Compared to how beneficial the practice is to one's life, the dvd is available at KTD's namse bangdzo bookstore for peanuts.

bring your practice questions, we can all learn from them!

Evanston's Tibet Center has Dalai Lama tickets

The Western imagination has quite a love affair with Tibet — it speaks to something sweet and wistful in us. Here's a short, sweet homage to HHDL. There will be a long life ceremony to His Holiness in Madison.

A note from Tashi Tsering Phuri, President of the TIBETcenter today offers tickets to the Dalai Lama's July 19-24 teachings for just $50 per day. Proceeds from sale of these donated tickets will be added to the TIBETcenter Building Fund.
HHDL Tickets for Madison (July 19 through 24) donated to TIBETcenter are posted online at www.TIBETgift.com. We hope to post more as we receive them. Tickets are posted for individual days, and so please take time to study seating because prices we put are the same for all categories.

All sales are final. We will mail the ticket(s) till July 14. After July 14, ticket(s) must be picked up from TIBETgift, 828 Dempster, Evanston IL 60202 (Phone: 847-492-0809) between Noon and 8:00 PM. TIBETgift will be closed from July 18 through July 25. To check about seating, please visit Ticketmaster.

Tickets are being offered at $50.00 per day. Morning teaching from 9:30 to 11:30 AM and the afternoon teaching from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.

$50.00 per day is far less than what you will pay Ticketmaster. There is also no service charge. Since donated tickets are at different seating levels, it is possible to grab a great ticket at $50.00 only.

The Dalai Lama in Madison
20-23 July 2008 Madison, WI USA

The teachings in Madison, Wisconsin: His Holiness will give four-day teachings on Shantideva's A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (chodjug) and Kamalashila's Middle Stages of Meditation (gomrim barpa) at the request of Geshe Lhundup Sopa of Deer Park Center.

Chanting with Mary Huddleston this weekend

Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
East Meets West
2118 W. Lawrence
Chicago, IL 60625
$10 Love Offering

In these groups, Mary brings people together to practice Japa (repetition) meditation of Sanskrit Mantra. This form of meditation helps to raise our individual and collective vibration as we address personal and collective karmic issues such as health, prosperity, spiritual advancement, peace and protection.
We work with mantras from the collected works of Thomas Ashley-Farrand.

Loyola/Shambala with Khandro Rinpoche July 6-8

Rinpoche looks like an excellent teacher [she speaks fluent English for those of us who are Tibetan language challenged!] from viewing this video. Thank you, Gregg, for pointing this out.

Monday, July 7, 9am-5pm
Making it Real: The Three Prajnas of Hearing, Contemplating and Meditating
(Held at the Shambhala Center)

Tuesday, July 8th, 9am-5pm
Karma: Cause and Effect
(Held at the Shambhala Center)

Tuesday, July 8th, 9am-5pm
Karma: Cause and Effect
(Held at the Shambhala Center)

You can register for the Shambala teachings here.

Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche at Chicago KTC

Chicago Karma Thegsum Choling will be hosting Her Eminence Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche on Chokhor Duchen (Buddha Sakyamuni taught the Four Noble Truths)

Sunday July 6th
7:00 pm Shinay
7:30 Teaching on Bodhicitta

Teachings free to all Chicago-ktc members, Chicago Shambhala members, Tibetan Community
or suggested donation $10

Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche holds both Nyingma and Kagyu lineages and was recognized by the 16th Karmapa as the reincarnation of The Great Dakini of Tsurphu, Khandro Ugyen Tsomo, an emanation of Yeshe Tsogyal and consort(wife- practitioner) of the 15th Karmapa. Khandro Tsering Paldron, endowed with the lineage of Yeshe Tsogyal, was born at the monastery of Zangdok Palri in Kalimpong in the Tibetan fire sheep year (1967) as the eldest daughter of His Holiness Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche.

for more information about Her Eminence view her bio.

Summer Solstice at East meets West

Please contribute your presence and energy by joining with us in a sacred celebration of Summer Solstice

Sonam Dhargye, a Tibetan Sacred Artist will be creating a Peace Fire Sand Mandala with prayerful intent to benefit all beings- especially to invoke protection and balance of the Earth energies.

The creation of the Sand Mandala will begin with Tibetan Buddhist Prayers and blessings at 10:00am Sonam will be working on the sand mandala all day.

At the same time Mary Huddelston will be creating a "Mandala of Sacred Sound" in support of Sonam’s work-and with the intention of generating merit for the Liberation of All Beings.

Please Join us June 21
East Meets West
2118 W. Lawrence Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
$10 Love Offering

Proceeds to support His Holiness the Dalai Lama
and the People of Myanmar

Sonam's work has been exhibited all over the world-including the Louvre in Paris and The Metropolitan Museum in New York!


It's all sanskrit- it's all good!

We welcome your thoughts and information on all things Sanskrit in Chicago! That means Kirtan, chanting and all yoga and dharma community events.

We'll be working to see if we can arrange to bring Sita Sings the Blues to Chicago.

You can learn more at creator Nina Paley's website. Read the review from Salon